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JAson marler

Originally from:
Enid, Oklahoma
Jason Marler jump-started his tennis career at 9 years old, after proving himself in the wrestling world as a two-time state champion. As a junior, he took the 72nd spot in the country in the 12 and under age group and continued to climb from there. Jason rose into the top 40 nationally in both 16’s and 18’s and ranked within the top 10 in the country in doubles.
With a bachelor's degree in mass communication from Wake Forest, he competed at number two and three in the singles and doubles lineup, respectively on the intercollegiate team.
In 1996 he became a certified tennis professional and in 1997 moved to Philadelphia and became the first full-time Junior Tennis Director at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Jason’s relationship with Upper Dublin Sports Center started in 2000 and for the past 15 years, he has dedicated his time promoting 10 and Under Tennis programs in the Greater Philadelphia Area.
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